Prospect Ave

DJ Dancer

Commercial Event

Singles Dance




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 Commercial Event


 Human Jukebox


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Singles / Open Dances

One of DJ Dancer's favorite venues. Usually this audience is more mature than those found at a bar or club. As mentioned in the Bio DJ Dancer is a baby boomer and understands this kind of audience the best. An important part of being a DJ for singles dances is creating a romantic mood. Most singles do not want a high energy, aerobic workout where they wind up dripping wet. The ebb and flow on energy is very important. Slow dances punctuate the cycle of raising the energy and then bringing it back down. Playing only one high energy song in a set is the best. You want your customers to have a good time not workout.

More than anything you must attract the ladies to your event. The best strategy for DJing a Singles Dance is to understand intimately what women want, which can be very complex. The mood must be suggestive and romantic but never crude. You can play "Who Let the Dogs Out' but it is going to change the atmosphere. 'Rapture' by 'Iio' would be a much better choice. If the ladies love your event then the men are sure to follow.

Also, to DJ a singles dance you have to understand that some very good dancers frequent Singles Dances because of the unique variety of music played at these events. Really good dancers that normally frequent ballroom studios go to singles dances for a change of pace where the DJ plays mostly Freestyle, Hustle, Cha Cha, Merenque and slow dances. Even professional dancers like to do freestyle and feel freed to do anything they wish without being concerned with dancing correctly. Having talented male dancers in the audience also attracts the ladies.  DJ Dancer's deepest playlists are in this type of music. I believe this is the essence of dance music. Ballrooms never allow slow dances and will never play the current top ten dance hits either. Dance clubs never take it down a few notches and play slow dances or any Latin dances. When you DJ at Singles Dance you are actually playing the most popular music available. The kind of music most people love. DJ Dancer can take your Singles Dances to the next level, attracting everyone that loves to dance. Singles love a huge crowd and it won't matter if everyone isn't available.